Workforce Learning and Development

Workplace Learning and Development (WLD) is a state-wide team dedicated to providing customised and flexible training solutions in partnership with enterprises.
What training does WLD deliver?
1. Qualifications in a range of industry sectors:
- Food Processing
- Seafood Processing
- Laboratory Operations
- Rail Infrastructure/Operations
- Process Plant Operations
2. Skills sets or combinations of training package units to reflect specific job/role requirements
3. Non-accredited training or performance support to meet specific job/role requirements, such as:
- Basic computer skills
- Resource development
- Workplace documentation development
- Skills audits/training needs analysis
- Workforce development plans
- ELearning solutions
- Prevocational programs
WLD also works with enterprises and industry to access WELL funding (Workplace English Language and Literacy Program).
How will training be delivered?
Except for a specific purpose all training and assessment undertaken by WLD will be delivered at the worksite, either on-the-job or in an off-job training environment, utilising enterprise training facilities and equipment.
Delivery is structured around enterprise requirements and individual learning needs to support workplace performance.
Learning and assessment resources are developed and customised to reflect enterprise policies, procedures and other relevant workplace documentation