Rights & Responsibilities

Your Rights

  1. To be provided with accurate and sufficient information to assist you to make informed decisions
    e.g. your enrolment and learning experience.

  2. To be treated fairly and with respect.

  3. To learn in an environment free of discrimination and harassment.

  4. To pursue your educational goals in a supportive and stimulating environment.

  5. To have access to various services such as counselling and language support; and

  6. To be informed of assessment procedures.

Your Obligations

  1. Behave in a manner which is safe, fair, respectful and lawful.

  2. Treat other people with fairness and respect.

  3. Be punctual and regular in attendance.

  4. Observe normal safety practices, including no smoking in buildings.

  5. Participate in scheduled assessment events and submit written assessment items on time.

  6. Provide authentic original assessment evidence and not engage in plagiarism or cheating in any assessment; and

  7. Behave in a responsible manner i.e. no littering, harassing or offending fellow students or staff, or damaging property.

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct is based around principles of safety, fairness, respect and legality. Certain student conduct is prohibited. For example:

  • Cheating/plagiarism.
  • Inappropriate use of mobile phones.
  • Aggressive language or behaviour.
  • Harassment and bullying.
  • Not following directions related to training activity, Workplace Health and Safety or driving on campus.
  • Theft or damage to property.
  • Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • The holding of public meetings on premises without permission.
  • The conducting or advertising any business for private gain.
  • The possession of any animal other than a guide dog.
  • The hindering or obstructing of others.

For more information discuss the matter with your teacher or Unit Leader.

Discrimination and Harassment

We support an environment free from discrimination, harassment and bullying for both students and staff. Discrimination and harassment may arise through a number of circumstances. For example, these may relate to gender, age, race, religion, sexual preference or disability.

Unit Leaders are available to provide confidential support and information about options to deal with such situations. Alternatively you may access our Complaints Management process.