A Statement of Attainment. Selected unit “Perform Dogging” (RIIHAN208A).
You must be 18 years of age or over for Worksafe Australia accreditation and have a satisfactory level of literacy and numeracy skills. You must wear protective work wear (safety boots and gloves) for the practical assessment.
At your work site or at the Clarence, Alanvale and Burnie training facilities.
$865 per person (course prices for single employer groups are negotiable)
Four days.
Dates and times
CLARENCE: Tuesday - Friday, 9 - 12 October, 2012.
ALANVALE: Tuesday - Friday, 2 - 5 October, 2012.
BURNIE: Monday - Thursday, 20 - 23 August, Tuesday - Friday, 6 - 9 November, 2012.