Confined Space Entry

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Outcome: A Statement of Attainment. Selected units "Enter Confined Spaces" (MSAPMPER205C), "Observe Permit Work" (MSAPMPER202A), "Work in Accordance with an Issued Permit" (MSAPMPER200C), "Work Safely" (MSAPMOHS200A).


You must wear appropriate personal protective clothing and footwear.


At the Claremont, Alanvale and Devonport training facilities.


Full course: $250 per person. Refresher only: $195 per person (course prices for single employer groups are negotiable).


Full course: One and a half days (theory, practical training and assessment). Refresher only: One day (for those with workplace competence).

Dates and times

2013 dates:

CLAREMONT: 6 & 7 May, 3 & 4 June, 1 & 2 July, 5 & 6 August, 2 & 3 September, 7 & 8 October, 4 & 5 November and 2 & 3 December.

ALANVALE: 1 & 2 May, 5 & 6 June, 3 & 4 July, 1 & 2 August and 16 & 17 October.

DEVONPORT: 21 & 22 May, 11 & 12 June, 16 & 17 July, 13 & 14 August, 17 & 18 September, 15 & 16 October, 12 & 13 November and 17 & 18 December.

For bookings and further information call 1300 362 175

This training is designed for those who work in, on or around confined spaces. This course provides participants with the knowledge and practical skills to operate safely within these confines.

Participants will learn:

  • How to identify WHS hazards, assess risks and apply the appropriate control measures.
  • To identify the limitations of permits under which work is to be conducted.
  • To understand the importance of the (stand-by) observer role when operating as a member of a confined space work team.
  • To assess risk prior to commencing any task associated with confined spaces.
  • To select, fit and wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and monitor equipment necessary for the safe execution of the task.
  • About the respective state or territory legislation relevant to confined spaces including the Work Health & Safety Act 2012, Confined Space Codes of Practice, Confined Space Codes of Compliance and the current AS 2865: 2009 Confined Spaces.